Hi Friends!
Today's "WTF?" content © stevenn beck (photos belong to original owners)
This may be the ultimate "WTF?"
It's no secret that the technological revolution in the past two decades has resulted in the highways being even more dangerous than they had been….previously we had the speeders, the lane-changers, the road-rage folks, the drunks, the pill-persons, the 24-hour truckers….and the elderly (at least down in FLA, where the evidently issue a license renewal to anyone who can somehow make it into the local DMV). Now of course there are additional reasons for drivers to be distracted and cause accidents/fatalities: cell phone conversations. texting, doing Email, watching videos online - even using their "smart" phones to work online.
Now the automobile manufacturers already have the ability to make our rides safer: ie. programs that let drivers know when they veer out of their lane or when another automobile is too close for comfort; programs that detect when a driver may nod out and alert them; even technology that helps to with backing-up, "blind spots" - or which emit a beeping sound when moving in reverse. Problem is: for the most part these are OPTIONS and that means paying a higher price for the car.
So clearly here is one cost of the policy government "hands-off" regarding business: all of us (and especially our loved ones) could be much safer IF the federal Government stepped in and MANDATED certain safety measures. But…oh no…we can't do that? Regulate business? Just to help people…really….(why would they do that? and hurt the bottom-line)
Which brings me to the fact that one of the most popular car manufacturers now proudly advertises the fact that their automobiles are the first with factory installed WIFI. You see…the fact that drivers would be concerned about data usage probably helped to REDUCE the amount of distracted driving….at least, some of it...and now that obstacle has been ELIMINATED.
So….to the car manufacturer in question (you know who you are!) ..and our asinine elected officials who continue to place politics and dogma above common sense and the safety needs of the American public…here's a big WTF?!!!
Bye for now, be safe!
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