Hi Friends!
Today's "WTF?" © stevenn beck
The following is from a bulletin issued by NPR:
"American 15-year-olds continue to turn in flat results in a test that measures students' proficiency in reading, math and science worldwide, failing to crack the global top 20.
The Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, collects test results from 65 countries for its rankings, which come out every three years. The latest results, from 2012, show that U.S. students ranked below average in math among the world's most-developed countries. They were close to average in science and reading.
'In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin, up from 23 three years ago," reports Education Week. "In science, 22 education systems scored above the U.S. average, up from 18 in 2009.
'In reading, 19 other locales scored higher than U.S. students — a jump from nine in 2009, when the last assessment was performed."
The findings summarized above have been fairly consistent for decades…proof positive that the priorities of American "movers" and "shakers" - despite their stated objectives - are actually resulting in the degradation of America's ability to compete on the world stage. Those using their monies to make money are actually paving the way for disaster for the generations to come. Of course…they…the current "movers" and "shakers" won't be here to see that…but it does serve as another reminder that the 50s/60s generations has more than squandered its chance to effectively change the system (and the world).
I don't think I need to list the salaries, bonuses, and anticipated stock options for the 5% of the population who own 95% of the wealth in this country. But it is clear that relatively little is being channeled back to where it's needed. For example: where do those who educate our youth rank in terms of the list of priorities? Check out these (national) salaries:
High School Teacher, $46, 432 Elementary School Teacher $42, 272 Middle School Teacher $43, 210 Special Education Teacher, Preschool, Kindergarten, or Elementary School $43, 832 Special Education Teacher, Secondary School $48,266 Secondary School Teacher $42,272 Special Education Teacher, Middle School $46,111
Oh sure, in urban area the salaries are higher…but are not even close to being commensurate to the cost-of-living in those areas. (Of course…the same argument can be made for police, firemen, social workers…all aren't paid nearly as well as they should in proportion to their level of societal importance….but I'm talking education here.) And along with ridiculously low salaries for those in charge of educating young people…it would be interesting to see what percentage of monies are spent on educational resources, school equipment, etc.?
Now: here's the proof-in the-puddiong (so-to-speak):
From USA Today: - only 45% of Americans could explain the meaning of "GOP" - only 30% of Americans knew that the 9/11 attacks took place in 2001. - only 51% of Americans could find New York on a map. - 25% of Americans could not identify England as the country the US gained its independence from. - 30% of Americans had no idea what the Holocaust was…despite the subject being included in middle school and high curriculums. - 20% of Americans believe that the sun revolves around the earth. - 73% of Americans could not identify the reason for the "Cold War". - more than 50% of Americans could not identify more than one protection afforded by the first Amendment. However…22% could name every member of the "Simpsons". Oh….and just 1 American in 1000 could name five freedoms. - 29% of Americans could not identify the current Vice President. - 50% of Americans believed that Christianity came before Judaism. - 17% of Americans couldn't find Afghanistan or Iraq on a map of the world. 29% couldn't point to the Pacific Ocean.
Talking about the priorities in this country? How the hell are we going to compete…monetarily?
All I can say is: "WTF?"
Bye for now, be safe!
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