Thursday, October 23, 2014


Hi Friends!

"THOSE LYIN' EYES...AND LIES" © stevenn beck

"You can't hide your lyin' eyes And your smile is a thin disguise I thought by now you'd realize There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes" - from "Lyin' Eyes" by the Eagles

The other evening one of my friends commented that it was amazing how often people lie. That they look you right in the eye, tell you their story - and never even think a moment about the fact that they aren't telling the truth.

That reminded me of all the times I'd been lied to….

Excluding, of course, politicians, government and quasi-government officials (i.e. the MTA "of course fares have to be raised again. We're already spending all of our funds as efficient and productively as we can"), corporate CEOs ("we're making all this money to create MORE JOBS…..we're doing it for... AMERICA") - oh - and the good, decent people who run nursing homes ("yes, Mr. Beck - your Dad's having a nice, good, quiet day" [because they shot him up with enough Demerol to put an elephant to sleep]

Anyway…my own - and very personal - Top Five "lying" stories include:

1- The time I took my car to a service station in Canarsie for an oil change and the guy looked me directly in the eyes and told me the car had an oil leak that was so bad that "if you try to drive it all the way back to Staten Island... the…consequences…will be…DEVESTATING….[I never authorized the work; the car ran for another six years…]

2- One of the first Internet dates I had after my divorce….I went all the way the way down to DC to meet her. "What's the problem?" she asked when we met…"I sent you my picture as promised!" Yeah. She was in her late 40s and the picture - taken from a distance - dated back at least 20 years, maybe more. [OK- I know, I know. My own fault!]

3- The Area Director - who shall remain nameless - from my former job who at our first meeting looked at all of the managers in the conference room and said - in the most sincere and helpful tone one can imagine "I'm here to help all of you succeed. If you have any problems let me know. I will do everything I can to provide assistance….rest assured I will alway have your backs...." [if I was still working I would still be waiting.]

4- The woman I dated who - when we got back to her place - looked at me and told me "not to worry about my barking dogs - they're sweethearts" ...and when I entered her home I discovered two huge animals in large cages - in the middle of her LIVING ROOM of all places - I kid you not! - to prevent them from destroying the home….and when they saw me they started growling and trying to smash their way through the bars…Out for blood. (Mine.)

5- And - finishing up with another automobile story - there was the guy who sold my Dad and I what was supposed to be my first car - a red 1964 Ford..."Mr. Beck" he told my Dad, again looking him right in the eyes "this car is in PERFECT condition….I'd stake my life on it!" Three days later there was a big rainstorm, I opened the car door to find more rain water inside the car than outside….and the car never ran again. [Someone's going down for the count when he meets his Maker.]

Now all this reminds me….all the guns out there aren't the problem. It's true. "People" are the problem. I mean - would I lie to all of you?

"Someday I'm gonna be happy But I don't know when just now Lies, lies, breakin' my heart…." - from "Lies" by The Knickerbockers

Bye for now, be safe!


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