Monday, October 27, 2014


Hi Friends!

Today's "WTF?" © stevenn beck

"Good vs Bad"

OK, let me see if I can get this straight.

ALL human life is SACRED - which is GOOD - but since "people kill people - not guns ", controlling or eliminating guns would be BAD - since it the SACRED right of all Americans to maintain the ability to lose their cool and blow their fellow citizens away if the spirit moves them to do so. Right?

It follows then that abortion is certainly BAD - but failing to provide the necessary government services and support for those who are born is GOOD since that would affect the "bottom line". And proactively dealing with social problems, infrastructure issues and climate changes would likewise be VERY BAD since being proactive also requires monies to spent to solve problems - unless a particular catastrophe adversely affects yourself, your family or your own community - in that case spending the money is most certainly GOOD. Advocating personal freedom and the ability to forge ones' own path is ALWAYS GOOD - UNLESS ones' race, nationality, religion, political beliefs or sexual orientation differs from the "norm" - because all that - of course - has to be ESPECIALLY BAD. And - if you belong to the 5% of the population that owns 95% of the country's wealth - which is GOOD (at least for them) then it is your sacred duty to articulate your love for America while denigrating, humiliating, harassing or belittling the majority of the population (and keep them occupied and under control by giving them the latest technological contraption to play with).

ALL human life is SACRED and deserves to be nurtured - which is GOOD…. and so it is necessary to have enough quality policemen, firemen, social workers and teachers - but to pay them wages commensurate with their responsibilities is VERY BAD because then taxes may have to be raised for the 5% of the population that owns 95% of the country's wealth. I mean…that would be BAD, right? Right?

Yes - all human life IS SACRED - as long as one is wealthy enough to do whatever they want - and to say the hell with everyone else. ('Cept the politicos who will do whatever the wealthy want as long as THEY get THEIRS…and THAT'S REALLY BAD.)


Bye for now- be SAFE!


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