Hi Friends!
Today's "WTF?"
Two different topics. Maybe…
#1 At the gym they have about two dozen televisions stationed about a foot away from one another….right in front of the workout area, you get to stare at the screen while working on the machines. Unfortunately I got to watch dozens of political advertisements - and of course these cannot be avoided. Almost all were grossly negative, slurring the reputation of the opposing candidate - and I am talking about both political parties here - despite BTW the public's distaste for such nonsense. And those ads that WERE positive were generally lacking specifics (i.e. "I am going to put people back to work"; "I am going to reduce crime"; "I am going to restore the public's confidence in the economy" etc.
My favorite: "I am going to hold the line on taxes while improving infrastructure, transportation services and social services."
How about restoring the public's confidence in their elected officials?
#2 This morning after the gym I stopped off at a local diner for lunch. Several large flat-screen TVs now hang from the ceiling because - I guess- it's not enough for customers to enjoy their food and - even - make conversation with one another and enjoy each other's company….there's gotta be a television (or two or three) as well. Anyway the good people at this diner had "The View" on…and Whoopie and company spent a few minutes practically gushing over the latest technological toy: some kind of contraption that fits into a person's shoe, connects to their cell phone - and calls them if they need to get out of an unpleasant blind date. "Oh sorry…I have an emergency…have to get out of here RIGHT NOW!"
Naturally...I didn't catch any acknowledgement or mention of the fact that using this application would be incredibly rude. I mean…..what - you can't sit with someone who takes time out of their day and (presumably) busy life to sit for an hour and talk? (Who knows….maybe….just maybe….a little conversation would spark some kind of connection, maybe some shared interests? But then the media isn't exactly the poster child for modeling responsible behavior….
So to all of those running their political advertisements ('tis the season) AND to the stars of The View for abrogating - in MY VIEW their responsibilities - here's a one, big "WTF?"
Bye for now, be safe!
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