Thursday, October 30, 2014


Hi Friends!

Today's "WTF?" © stevenn beck

"A Halloween Banking Horror Story…"

I went to my bank today in Chelsea to complete a very simple (I thought) transaction that could not be done online. When I arrived I went right up to the window, there were no other customers. The woman behind the counter was very nice and respectful - and very professional.

She also didn't have the slightest idea what the hell she was doing. At EVERY step of the way she would apologize - which was appreciated - and go running to talk to another employee who was stationed on the other side of the bank (across from the reception area where I was standing). That meant that the bank teller had to leave the counter area, walk through the door separating the main office from the bank counter, walk another twenty or so feet to an associate's desk, get the necessary assistance - and then walk back. I counted….one…two….three times. I shook my head, cringed and watched - but stopped myself from saying anything. I wanted to see how long this would go on for. (Hmmm….why couldn't she use the damn telephone/intercom?)

The bottom line is that this very "quick and simple" task took forever - good thing I wasn't in a hurry (for once). Finally she returned, finished my request, handed me a receipt. I then had two questions for her: how long had she worked there? (The answer: "ten years.") And - why couldn't she call her helper or - even better - ask the other employee to come to her. (The answer: "I didn't think of that." ) Then I had an additional question: was the person who provided assistance someone who had been there a long time? ("Oh yes" she smiled. "She's my supervisor." Then she thanked me again for my patience. I shrugged my shoulders….what you do with people who are supposed to help you? - and don't use what I used to tell my daughter was her "noodle". I turned to leave, the bank teller stopped me. "Mr. Beck" she said "Don't forget your free pen." I walked back to get it - spoils of war?

The teller was still smiling as I exited the bank.

A few hours later I was having difficulty accessing my bank-by-phone PIN (I prefer using bank-by-phone to the Internet when I am using public WIFI.) I wanted to verify that a particular check had cleared (I'd forgotten to check earlier.,,,,must have been my fascination with the bank teller's meted of operation.) Anyway…the system rejected the PIN I typed in. (Too many damn PINS I guess - who can keep track?) Contacting the bank's customer service department, I spoke to a representative who verified my identity, eventually asking me the reason for the call. I explained the problem. The Rep assigned a new temporary PIN and transferred me back to bank-by-phone. I typed in the temporary PIN; the system asked me some questions to verify my identity again and when I replied, I was thrown out of the system. Calling back, I reached another representative, repeated the entire procedure (including the verification of my identity); the latest Rep promised to stay on the line with me throughout the bank-by-phone process, It didn't happen, I was on my own - and the bank-by-phone system kicked me out again. I called customer service one more time, hoping to speak to someone in charge - no such luck - he system informed me that because I had failed to log in successfully log in three times had failed to verify my identity three straight times "there was an important issue that required an in-person visit."

At this point the patience I had exhibited on my visit to the bank evaporated because - guess what? I will have to return there tomorrow…and tomorrow is a busier day.

I can hardly wait.


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