Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Hi Friends!

Today's "WTF?" © stevenn beck

"Technological blues…"

I don't know about all of you - but preparing for extended "road" trips is becoming an ever-more complicated experience. There's seems to be a HELL of a lot MORE to remember…in addition to the "usual" (i.e.., change of pants, additional shirts/sweaters, underwear, socks, toothpaste/toothbrush, hairbrush, deodorant, contact lens solution and container - plus 3 different pairs of glasses depending upon what I may actually need to see) I have to remember the laptop, the iPad, the "bluetooth" keyboard for the iPad, the iPod (I gotta have my "tunes") - and the portable BOSE wireless speaker(s)….

Not to mention the extra USB cables (all shapes, sizes), assorted chargers (thank heaven my new iPhone charger works with the iPad) - including a separate charger for the BOSE speakers - and - damn - the iPhone itself (which always seems to be somewhere else in the apartment OTHER than the place I remember last leaving it... as I rush out the door.)

Those of us still confused and/or terrified of "The Cloud" - like myself - still need to remember to schlep the "flash-drive" (if you're working on something that requires the use of that particular technology) - and of course the external hard drive for your important back-ups. You also have to remember to make sure you have all of your important PINS and passwords in your head….after all, when you are "on the road again" you certainly can't travel around with them on a piece of paper - or written down in a notebook, can you? And - ever since my account was hacked - I make extra sure to heed the advice of the IT security experts….so I use different PINS and passwords for everything…meaning that my rapidly aging 61-year-old brain must retain the following: my ATM PIN, the passwords for all of my online banking, my AOL password (yes, some of us still use AOL) - plus passwords for Facebook, Yahoo, Googleplus, assorted acting and music sites, plus my own acting and music websites (and their mailboxes - which use different passwords) - AND assorted PINS/passwords for the CBS-streaming website, Netflix - and - should it become necessary - the Emblem Health website, the Healthplex Dental website and/or the 1-800 Contacts Website. (i'm positive I am forgetting something - good thing I'm not traveling today.)

Flying somewhere? There are also the passwords for Jetblue, Delta or Expedia. And all of the assorted user names if significantly different from those I use for everything else.

FINALLY I may want to send someone a special present to let them know how much I miss them while I am out-of-town….so need to recall my passwords for 1-800 Flowers, FTD Florist and 1-2-3 Greetings.

(Oh damn. That reminds me….where the hell are my KEYS???)

Did I hear someone say that technological advancements make our lives easier?


Bye for now- be safe!


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